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How to Ace Your Interview at Shell

Updated on Oct 26, 2021 22564 views
How to Ace Your Interview at Shell

Looking to work at Shell?

No doubt shell is one of the largest Oil & Gas Company that anyone would love to work for. With a competitive salary and the amazing benefits that comes along, sure it is dream work place for anyone trying to build a career.

Considering the number of people that apply for the shell job vacancy every year, unfortunately only very few people finally get the job. According to research, 60% of people that apply for shell openings often get disqualified from the online assessment.

Are you a professional or a fresh graduate trying to build a career? If you are, then this article is for you. This post will help you with all you need to know to successfully prepare for shell interview and assessment.

The competition for shell jobs have become really stiff, so you need to perform really well at every stage of the recruitment process; From your online application, through to your online assessments, video interview and the final assessment stage.

Shell screens thousands of applications to select the best candidate for their positions. Shell recruitment process is divided into four:

  • Online application
  • Online assessment
  • Video interview
  • Final assessment

Before we take you through shell interview process, we think it is good for you to have a background knowledge about shell.

All You Need to Know about Shell

Shell is an integrated energy company that aims to meet the world’s growing demand for energy in ways that are economically, environmentally and socially responsible. Shell’s strategy seeks to reinforce their position as a leader in the oil and gas industry, while helping to meet global energy demand in a responsible way. Safety and environmental and social responsibility are at the heart of our activities.


What you Should know about Shell Nigeria

Shell has a history of over 50 years in Nigeria and the largest footprint of all the international oil and gas companies operating in the country. Its companies and investments have played a pioneering role in onshore, shallow and deep water oil exploration and production. Shell has also been at the forefront of gas development, producing and delivering gas to domestic consumers and export markets for over 40 years.

After this brief introduction about shell, it is time we dive into shell recruitment process:


Stage 1: Shell Online Job Application

Once you have made up your mind that you want to build your career and grow in shell, then you can go ahead and apply online for shell jobs and program that you are most interested in.

To apply for shell jobs, you must have seen some of shell’s job vacancies and made up your mind on the one that you wish to apply for. To see shell job vacancies, you can check the shell career page or check other job listing platforms.

To apply for a particular job at shell, you will have to fill an online form to successfully apply for the job. When you are filling the online form, you would have to fill certain information like:

  • Your academic qualification
  • Your academic background
  • Work experience
  • Candidates will be asked to select the business area

You can also complete your application online by connecting to your LinkedIn profile. Before you apply, you should make sure that you are eligible to work in the country where you are based. Your online application should not take more than 5-10 minutes.

 In case you are confused about the career path to choose when you are filling your application form you can use shell degree matcher tool to see the career path that best suites you.

To apply for the shell graduate program, you need to have the following criteria:

Shell looks for graduates that have:

  • Completed their undergraduate degree not earlier than 2016
  • Graduated with a minimum 2:1 (Second Class Upper) degree
  • Have completed their Nigeria National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) program with proof of discharge certificate

Always make sure you provide the information before you submit the form.


Step 2: Online Assessment Test

This is the second stage of your recruitment process with shell if you have successfully applied online. At this stage, you will have to take an online assessment test. Most of the time, you may have to take two online assessment tests depending on the career field that you have chosen.

The online assessment test includes the following:

  • Numerical reasoning test
  • Logical reasoning test
  • Verbal reasoning test
  • And a specific tailored shell working style assessment test

Shell cognitive online assessment is usually timed, and it is divided into three sections. You have 4 minutes to complete each section of the online assessment. Once you have received a link to the test portal, they are only allotted 10 days to complete all of the assessments.

Note: The online assessment is one of the most critical stages of the interview process, because that is where many candidates gets disqualified.

To increase your chances of success at this stage of the recruitment, you have to practice the cognitive test online or better still get GMAT and practice frequently.


Step 3: Shell Working Style Assessment

This is the next stage of your recruitment after the online assessment test. This aspect of the interview will access if you will be a good fit for the position based on the characteristics by shell.

At this segment, the interviewer will access your approach to working and your preferred behavior across key personality factors. The assessment will not be timed, but the test generally only takes 10-12 minutes to complete.

Shell appreciate diversity, so you have to be yourself as much as possible when you are answering the question. There is no wrong or right answer, you are advised to answer every question honestly so that shell can understand your personality.

Tips to a successful shell working style assessment

  • Remember to take into consideration the type of skills that matches the job when taking the shell working style assessment.
  • If your role requires critical thinking, then you should be able to demonstrate that competence during the shell working style assessment.
  • In this test, you will be expected to make decisions from the questions that you would be asked that would produce an outcome.
  • Leadership and team work are the values that are usually checked at this stage of the interview.

After the working style assessment, you will then receive a ‘working styles’ report based on how you answered the questions. 


Step 4: On-Demand Video Interview

After you have passed the online assessments, you would be required to take a short pre-recorded video interview. This is an amazing opportunity for you to tell shell about yourself, your qualification and why you think you are a good fit for the position that you applied for.

At these some of shells current graduate will ask you a series of pre-recorded competency-based questions. Shell will allow you record the interview at any interview enabled location at the time most convenient to you. For each question, you would have 30 seconds to prepare and 3 minutes to record your answer.

Since the questions that you would likely be asked are competency-based questions, then it would important for you to study the top 100 interview questions and answers.

This assessment will last for about 25-30 minutes to round up the whole process.


Tips to Ace Shell Video Interview

  • Prepare for competencybased questions to prepare you to respond to the questions that you will likely be asked with confidence.
  • Make sure you find a quiet place that you will not be disturbed when you want to take the interview to avoid interruptions.
  • Make sure you are settled and prepared at least 20 minutes before the video interview
  • Be ready to convince the interviewer that you are the best person for the position looking at the value that shell looks forward to seeing in the prospective candidate.
  • Research the company and the position that you are applying for
  • Make sure that the time you choose for your video interview is the best time.
  • Shell assesses prospective candidates with the CAR framework, so you have to make sure that your response revolve around capacity, achievement and responsibility which are core values in shell.
  • You should answer using the STAR method


Step 4: Shell Final Assessment

This is the final stage of the interview. At this stage, you will be asked to participate in an online interview with two professionals from shell. During this section, you would be required to share your thoughts on a particular case study.

Shell will give you an opportunity to review the case study 48 hours prior to the time of the online interview. On the day of your assessment, you will be given a topic that relates to your case study and then given 20 minutes to prepare for a 5 minutes presentation.

After the presentation, you would have to respond to questions from assessors for up to 30 minutes. After the presentation will be an interview. This is the point where you will get to know shell, and they also get to know you better.

Shell always want to make the interview convenient and comfortable that is why they are always leveraging the latest digital technology to bring the shell experience to you regardless of your physical location.

Note: Note that you would need to read and prepare well for this interview. You will be provided more information to help you prepare well for the interview.


Step 5: Shell Connect

If you have finally passed all the stages of the interview, you would get a mail from shell and you would be invited to visit. Shell would like you to come and visit and get an idea of what it is like to work at shell.

You would be welcomed to shell office to meet a variety of people ranging from senior leaders to new employees.

Aside seeing the facilities, you would learn more about the energy industry, the available career development opportunities and the culture that you would be a part of. The essence is to help you get used to the work environment that would be a part of.

If you have followed the process of getting a job in shell, I am sure you want to know if the stress of passing through all the stages of the interview is what taking at all.

To help you better make up your mind about getting a job at shell, check out salaries of shell employees here.

Building a successful career sure starts with hard work. As much have we have tried to help you with shell interview recruitment process, it is an intentional process for you to learn and grow.

It is important for you to build competencies and skills that would help make you a better candidate. Remember to keep your mind open to learn new things.

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Also see Andela Interview Questions & Answers, GTB Interview Questions & Answers

Staff Writer

This article was written and edited by a staff writer.

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