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Fake Jobs Email/SMS Formats

Updated on May 13, 2021 11062 views
Fake Jobs Email/SMS Formats

Yes, we know that looking for a job can be a frustrating experience: Searching endlessly for job vacancies on different websites, re-writing your CV, tirelessly attending job interviews with little or no results, etc. No doubt, looking for a job is a job on its own.

Searching for a job can be challenging; no wonder it takes a graduate an average of 9 months to find their first job. If you have been searching for a job with little or luck, There is a possibility that you would likely be desperate to get “any job”.

There many desperate fraudsters and wicked individuals ready to take advantage of you at the slightest opportunity they can get. Well, you must have spread your CV in different places on the internet, which may make you more vulnerable to these employment fraudsters.

As much as there are legitimate jobs opportunities, there are also fake jobs circulating the internet. These fraudsters usually send job seekers job interview invites to job seekers via email or SMS.

So how can you recognize these fake job email and SMS?

Recognizing these fake job emails and SMS is easy because they often come in similar formats. In this article, we are going to be sharing some fake job email and SMS samples.

Fake jobs email Interview invite examples 

Employment fraudsters get the email addresses of jobs seekers from different sources. Some fraudsters buy them from other dubious people, while others post fake job adverts to harvest peoples emails. Many of these 'scammers' send job seekers interview invites via email to make it look like a legitimate email from a company, but you can tell it is fake from the content of the email. We are going to look at some sample fake email interview invite.

Fake jobs email example 1

Fake jobs email example 1


  • You can notice the grammatical error with the text in the red box.
  • No email signature from the company (showing company logo, etc.)

Fake jobs email example 2

Fake jobs email example 2


  • You likley did not apply for any of the listed above.
  • The name of the online recruitment platform was not stated.
  • No email signature from the company (showing company logo, etc.)


Fake jobs email example 3

Fake jobs email example 3


  • You can notice the grammatical error with the first and second text in the red box.
  • No email signature from the company (showing company logo, etc.)


Fake jobs email example 4

Fake jobs email example 4



  • There is no clarity on what the interview is going to be about.
  • Looking at the text in the red box, the name of the online advertiser was not mentioned.
  • No email signature from the company (showing company logo, etc.)


Fake jobs email example 5

Fake jobs email example 5


  • The name of the HR company was not stated. the text in the red box states "You have been scheduled for an interview with a Human Resources firm"
  • No email signature from the company (showing company logo, etc.).
  • The addition of a phone number to the body of a mail is suspicious. 


Fake jobs email example 6

Fake jobs email example 6


  • The name of the company is not clearly stated. The name 'S1-Group' sounds tricky.
  • No email signature from the company (showing company logo, etc.)


Fake jobs email example 7

Fake jobs email example 7


  • You likley did not apply for any of the listed above.
  • The name of the online recruitment platform was not stated.
  • No email signature from the company (showing company logo, etc.)
  • There is a sense of urgency in the email. A legitimate company will hardly beg you to accept an offer.


Fake jobs email example 8

Fake jobs email example 8


  • The name of the company is not stated.
  • No email signature from the company (showing company logo, etc.)


Fake jobs email example 9

Fake jobs email example 9


  • You can notice the grammatical error in the text in the red box (the misuse of punctuation marks).
  • No email signature from the company (showing company logo, etc.)


Fake jobs email example 10

Fake jobs email example 10



  • You can notice the grammatical error in the text in the red box (the misuse of punctuation marks).
  • No email signature from the company (showing company logo, etc.)



Fake jobs email example 11

Fake jobs email example 11

  • You likley did not apply for the role listed above 'Business Partner'. This sounds too good to be true.
  • Communicating with a company via WhatsApp is suspicious.
  • No email signature from the company (showing company logo, etc.)



Fake jobs email example 12

Fake jobs email example 12


  • You can notice the grammatical error with the text in the red box 'congratulations for the first stage...'
  • No email signature from the company (showing company logo, etc.)



Fake jobs email example 13

Fake jobs email example 13


  • A legitimate company will hardly include a phone number or code in the body of the mail.
  • This email does not have a signature from the company (showing company logo, etc.)



Fake jobs email example 14

Fake jobs email example 14


  • The text 'APPROVED' sounds suspicious already.
  • A legitimate company will hardly include a phone number or code in the body of the mail.
  • No email signature from the company (showing company logo, etc.)


Fake jobs email example 15

Fake jobs email example 15


  • "CHAT and ASSESSMENT" is a common phrase that most fake companies uses.
  • A legitimate company will hardly include a phone number or code in the body of the mail.
  • No email signature from the company (showing company logo, etc.)



Fake jobs email example 16

Fake jobs email example 16


  • A legitimate compant will hardly add their 'About Us' to the body of a mail that is supposed to be sent to a job candidate.
  • A legitimate company will hardly include a phone number or code in the body of the mail.


Fake jobs email example 17

Fake jobs email example 17




  • You likley did not apply for role listed above 'Unit Leader'
  • A legitimate company will hardly include a phone number or code in the body of the mail.
  • No email signature from the company (showing company logo, etc.)



Fake jobs SMS Interview Invite examples 

It is no news that job scammers are known to send fake interview invites to job seekers via SMS because it gives them room to communicate with their victims in real-time. We are going to look at some sample fake SMS interview invite.

Note: A legitimate company will hardly send you an interview invite via SMS or a chat platform.

Fake jobs SMS example 1

Fake jobs SMS example 1


  • You likley did not apply for the listed above 'Team Lead'
  • A legitimate company will hardly include a phone number or code in the body of the mail.


Fake jobs SMS example 2

Fake jobs SMS example 2


  • Punctuation errors and Capitalization errors in the texts above.
  • Including a phone number to an interview invite is suspicious.


Fake jobs SMS example 3

Fake jobs SMS example 3



  • Where the recommendation came from was not stated..
  • A legitimate company will hardly include a phone number or code in the body of the mail.
  • The text 'INTERVIEW OPPORTUNITY BRIEFING' sounds tricky.


We know that the process of searching for a job is already demanding, but some fraudulent people are ready to make money from you by offering you fake jobs.

The sad truth is that there many employment fraudsters that are ready to deceive job seekers. Since you cannot get rid of them, you should know how to protect yourself from fake/scam jobs.

One of the safest ways to protect yourself from fake/scam jobs is to apply for only verified job opportunities. Sign-up here to get access to the latest and verified job openings.

Note'Job scammers' often change their tactics. It is good you take note of our observations below the examples above.

Do you have any questions? Let us know in the comment box below.

Staff Writer

This article was written and edited by a staff writer.

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