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How to Write An Application Letter for a Hotel Job in Nigeria

Updated on Jan 27, 2022 119517 views
How to Write An Application Letter for a Hotel Job in Nigeria

Hotel jobs are one of the most available jobs in Nigeria because in some cases job candidates are asked to apply within. You may need to learn how to write an application letter when you are searching for a hotel job in Nigeria.

Even if hotel jobs appear to be one of the most available jobs in Nigeria, employers still look forward to hiring skilled hotel workers. When it comes to getting a job in a hotel, your skills play a huge in determining whether or not you will get the job.

Regardless of the role you are applying for, there are certain skills that a hotel worker is expected to possess to efficiently deliver great services to customers. When it comes to getting a good job, hard skills are important, but soft skills make a lot of difference.

If you are looking to land a good hotel job, then you must reflect these soft skills in your application letter:

  1. Communication skills.
  2. Attention to detail.
  3. Interpersonal skills.
  4. Show confidence when attending to customers.
  5. You need to have a great sense of accommodation.

Asides from having a great personality and the soft skills that you possess; your experience is also important when applying for a hotel job. Employers want to hire job candidates that have experience in the job and the hotel business in general.

When you are writing your application letter for a hotel job in Nigeria, do well to include skills (soft and hard skills) and experience that makes you the best person for the job.

Writing an application letter allows you to convince the employer that you are the best person for the job.

Before we go on to show you how to write an application letter for a hotel job in Nigeria, let us understand the meaning of an application letter.

Are you looking to get a security job? Learn how to write an application letter for a security job in Nigeria.

What is an Application Letter?

An application letter is a formal document that is sent from a job candidate to an employer in response to a job vacancy posted by the employer. The application letter is usually sent alongside other documents like; educational certificates and credentials.

An application letter sometimes functions as a cover letter, but they are different. The application letter is also referred to as a letter of intent because this is where the job applicant makes his/her intentions known to the employer.

A cover letter on the other hand fully introduces the job candidates to the employer, and it is usually accompanied by the CV. The goal of the cover letter is to make the employer read the CV.

An application letter can stand alone, unlike a cover letter.


How to Write An Application Letter for a Hotel Job in Nigeria

Since we understand what an application letter is, let us now look at how you can write a good application letter that will land you a hotel job in Nigeria.

a. Introduce yourself

When you are writing an application letter for a hotel job in Nigeria, you have to begin by introducing yourself. You have to introduce yourself in such a way that shows that you are passionate and enthusiastic about the job.

Recruiters and employers look forward to hiring job candidates that are passionate about what they do and are also enthusiastic about the company. In the opening paragraph of your application letter, you want to show that you have good knowledge about the company.


“I was excited when I saw the job opening for a hotel manager in ABC group of companies…”


b. Outline your qualifications

While it is good for you to include your experience in hotel jobs in your application letter, you should also talk about the qualifications that make you the best person for the job.


“In addition to the 3 years I spent managing a hotel in Lagos, I also have substantial experience in catering and event planning…”


c. Showcase your personality

When you are looking to get a hotel job, your personality matters a lot. Working in a hotel is about creating a memorable experience for customers.

Try to include your personality or make your personality reflect in your application letter.


“I am an advocate for creating a home-away-from-home experience for every guest that works into the hotel. I must ensure that customers don’t just get what they want, but they keep remembering the company because of how well they were catered for…”

These tips will guide you in knowing exactly what to write in your application letter. Now, let us talk about the structure of your application letter.


Structure of an Application Letter for a Hotel Job in Nigeria

We have looked at how you can write an application letter for a hotel job in Nigeria. Now we will look at the structure of your application letter for a hotel job. Your application letter should follow this structure:

Date and contact information 

When you are writing your application letter for a security job in Nigeria, you must add your contact information and date at the top of your letter.

Usually, your contact information should be at the top right corner of the letter, and that of the company should be at the top left corner of the letter. It is also good that you add a date at the end of the contact information.



Before you start writing about your skills and qualifications in the body of your letter, you should, first of all, greet the person that you are addressing in the letter. You can greet the receiver professionally by adding MR/MRS to their last name.


State your purpose for writing the letter

After greeting the receiver professionally, you can go ahead to state your purpose of writing the letter. Simply state that you want to apply for a job as a security officer (depending on the title of the role) in their company.


The first paragraph of your letter

  After you have stated the purpose of your letter, you can go ahead to explain what makes you think you are the best person for the position.


The second paragraph of your letter 

In the second paragraph of your application letter, you start providing details about your experience working as a security officer and some relevant training and certifications that may contribute to the strengthening of the company’s security.


The third paragraph of your application letter 

In the third paragraph of your application letter, you go on to elaborate on the skills, certifications and training that makes you the best job candidate for the role.


The fourth paragraph of your application letter 

In the fourth paragraph of your application letter, you should inform the employer that you are looking forward to being interviewed. You can also indicate how you intend to follow up on the letter and after how long if you do not get a response.


The last sentence in your application letter

In the last sentence of your application letter, you should thank the reader for taking out time to consider your application.


Application Letter Example for a Hotel Job in Nigeria

John Adams

089 (0000) (000)

23 Rogers Lane,

Williams Estates,


26th January 2022.


Susan Peters,

Head Teacher/School Administrator,

Great Height International School.

Ikeja, Lagos.


Dear MRS Susan,


I am writing this application letter in response to the open position of a hotel worker in ABC Hotels. I was excited when I saw the job opening for a hotel manager in ABC group of companies

 I am a second-class graduate of the College of Education Lagos; where I studied Hotel management and human relationships. I have over 2 years of experience working in the hospitality industry.

I have experience in both customer management and hotel environment. At the beginning of my career, I worked as a customer service executive. My experience in customer service and hotel management makes me a good candidate for this job. 

I am an advocate for creating a home-away-from-home experience for every guest that works into the hotel. I must ensure that customers don’t just get what they want, but they keep remembering the company because of how well they were catered for.

I look forward to combining my years of experience with my ability to be a compassionate, passionate, and enthusiastic hotel worker who will make a positive contribution to your hotel as well as leave a lasting impression on your customers.

I appreciate your consideration for the role, and I look forward to speaking with you further regarding the position. I am happy to answer any additional questions you may have.



John Adams.

Writing an attention-grabbing application letter is easy if you follow the right steps. Paying attention to the tips that we shared with you, and using our application letter example is sure to help you write a good application letter for a hotel job in Nigeria.


Staff Writer

This article was written and edited by a staff writer.

2 Comment(s)

  • Ezinne Edih
    Ezinne Edih Aug 17, 2023

    This was so helpful, thank you so much 

  • Emonena Elkanah
    Emonena Elkanah Jan 26, 2024

    Nice comment,

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