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2022 HR Statistics: Job Search & Recruitment Statistics You Need to Know

Updated on Jul 02, 2022 18537 views
2022 HR Statistics: Job Search & Recruitment Statistics You Need to Know

Do you know that recruitment/job search processes are constantly evolving? New practices are quickly springing up, and some older ones are gradually becoming obsolete.

No doubt, the world has experienced extreme changes because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Many things changed, and the world of work is no exception.

The sudden changes that the job market saw in 2020 has propelled different questions from recruiters and job seekers alike. Questions like:

  • How can I find something to do when many companies are either folding up or downsizing? 
  • How many applications does a single job posting attract?
  • What will it cost me to get the best talent for my open position(s)?
  • How long does a recruitment process take?

It is good you know the change happening in the job market. Knowing the latest trends helps you make good career/recruitment decisions.

That is why we decided to put the latest 2021 recruitment/job search statistics for you in one place.

Sometimes, job search numbers can be confusing.

You can see numbers that suggest that there are very few talented job candidates, and then you see another report that says many qualified job seekers apply for a single job opening.

Taking the time to make sense of all the available recruitment/job search findings can be challenging. The good news is; we have you covered!

We have compiled the latest recruitment/job search statistics in 2021 so that you can know the recent job market trends.


Do you look forward to building a career in Human Resources? Then see hr vacancies in Nigeria


HR/Job Search Statistics Tables of Contents









Two Key Hiring Statistics You Should Know

When we talk about the job market, there are always two perspectives: The recruiters’ perspective and the job seekers’ perspective.

The year 2020 introduced new dimensions to the job market. These dimensions also came with their challenges (job search/hiring challenges)

In this section, we are going to look at the two key hiring statistics.

Recruitment challenges facing recruiters in 2022 and job search challenges facing job seekers in 2022.


Top Challenges facing recruiters in 2022

a. Adapting to virtual work

b. Connecting with candidates

c. Assessing candidates online

d. Finding top talent in a remote model

e. Long-distance onboarding

Top challenges facing job seekers in 2022

a. Pandemic Insecurity

b. More emphasis on Productivity & Performance Driven Hires

c. Finding a job with Work-Life Balanced.

Multiple interview Rounds – Remote Hiring is the new norm

e. Finding the right organisation which offers great Perks & Benefits

Companies are attracting top talents with:

a. Attractive salary packages and good Perks and benefits like:

Laptop, mobile phones, internet connections.

Food Vouchers & Shopping coupons.

Work from Home Option, etc. 

b. Various insurances – Health, Life and Family group insurance.



Top Recruitment Statistics

Job search and hiring have incredibly changed in the last year. Many companies are affected by the pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic birthed some of the changes that job search and hiring have seen.

Businesses have learned the importance of creating an enabling work environment. Job applicants have discovered the value of acquiring in-demand skills.

Top Recruitment Priorities 2021

Below are some general recruitment statistics that will keep you up to speed with things happening in the job market:

a. The coronavirus pandemic has impacted HR tech in two major aspects: the overall decline in employment and the increase in remote work. (Statista, 2021)

b. The top 5 recruiting priorities of recruitment professionals in 2021: Improving the quality of hire (52%), Increasing retention rate (24%), Improving time-to-hire (23%), Growing talent pipeline (22%), Diversity hiring (22%) (Human Resources Director, 2021).

c. 45% of employers are struggling to fill roles in their organization, out of which 27% say that the applicants lack either hard or soft skills. (Source: Manpower Group)

d. 51% of talent management professionals say that the global education system has done nothing to address the skill shortage issue. (Source: SHRM)


Job Search Statistics

If you have been applying for jobs with little or no luck, then it may be time for you to take a break. 

Sending out job applications can quickly turn into an endless routine. If this is what you have been doing, then you need to change your approach; get informed!

The best way to stay informed on the hiring processes is to know the latest hiring statistics and facts.

You don't have to worry about where to find them. We have combined some hiring statistics that you should know in 2021 here. 

Job search statistic

These statistics will help you know:

a. The challenges facing job seekers.

b. Why it is difficult for them to land jobs.

c. What recruiters want to see in their prospective employees.

d. Useful strategies that you need to adopt to make the job search process easier.

  • 52% of job hunters say a lack of response from employers is their biggest frustration (Websolutions, 2020)
  • 35% of job seekers say they will turn down an offer if the employer does not offer a remote work option. (Career Builder, 2020)
  • Moreover, 23% of employees report they are willing to have their pay cut by 10% if it means they can work from home. (OWL Labs, 2020)
  • Luckily, with more remote work options being offered, researchers say that this will help boost geographical diversity among applicants by 20%. (LinkedIn, 2020)
  • With most job seekers looking for jobs online, recruiters should also go where top talent is.
  • According to Statista, LinkedIn is the most popular channel for seeking employment. The U.S. has one of the highest audience reaches (65%) in this professional social network, making it an effective talent pool.
  • According to Glassdoor, 67% of job seekers believe ads should contain information about salaries, benefits, location, commute time, and employee reviews.
  • Experts predict that by 2025, roughly 36.2 million employees in the US will work remotely. (Upwork, 2020).


CV/resume statistics 

  • Average resume length: 489 words (standard deviation of 310 words)
  • Median resume length: 369 words

Standard, “must-have” resume sections: 

  • Personal Information: 99.85% of resumes
  • Work Experience: 98.33%
  • Education: 97.25%
  • Skills: 89.81%
  • Summary or Objective: 88.75%

Top 10 most common “soft” skills listed in resumes

  • Communication: 11% of resumes
  • Leadership: 9%
  • Time Management: 8%
  • Problem Solving: 7%
  • Customer Service: 5%
  • Teamwork: 5%
  • Adaptability: 4.3%
  • Organization: 2%
  • Creativity: 1.7%
  • Conflict Resolution: 1.6%

Social media for job search (global view)

  •  40 million people search LinkedIn for jobs every week.
  • 73% of millennials found their last position directly through a social media platform


2021 General Recruitment Statistics

What is the state of recruitment and hiring in 2021?

To keep you informed, we have compiled the latest and informative recruitment facts and statistics. You can use these statistics to benchmark your recruitment processes.

Knowing these recruitment statistics will keep you in the loop with the recent recruitment trends and provide you with ideas for improving your recruitment efforts in 2021.


General recruitment statistics
According to Forbes, these are the top skills that you should look for in your applicants:

  • According to LinkedIn, 89% of applicants say if the recruiter contacts them, they will accept the position faster.
  • Plus, 94% will accept the job if their future manager contacts them. And even if you’re not interested in hiring them, giving them constructive feedback makes them consider your company for future applications.
  • While 94% of applicants prefer to receive this feedback, only 41% have. So, communication is key in attracting talent.
  • 88% of companies globally already use AI in some way for HR (SHRM, 2021).
  • 100% of Chinese firms and 87% of US employers are relying on some form of AI for recruitment  (SHRM, 2021).
  • 52% of recruiters say they are most interested in candidates with a degree in STEM (ICMS, 2021).
  • 84% of recruiters are in the process of adapting their hiring processes to facilitate remote exchanges due to the COVID-19 pandemic (CNBC, 2020).


Top skills recruiters should look for in job applicants

Critical thinking

The post-pandemic world requires employees that can prove resilience and face challenges. They need to have high problem-solving skills and be able to think clearly in the face of difficulties.


Companies are looking for employees dedicated enough to stick with their employers in difficult times, such as the pandemic. They want people who show up to work despite having reasons not to.

Working virtually

With the rise of remote work, job seekers should improve their skills to stay visible and work in a virtual environment. Being a team player, being responsive, and being tech-savvy are things needed to excel in a remote work environment.

(source: Forbes)


Nigerian Statistics (Unemployment and the job market)

The unemployment rate increased in many countries around the world because of the pandemic. The unemployment rate in Nigeria increased from 27.1% to 33.3% from December 2020 to March 2021 (NBS report).

Unemployment statistics


  • Job candidates that would increase productivity
  • Job candidates that are ready to put in their best all the time.
  • Job candidates that can meet and surpass targets.
  • Job candidates that are willing to go over and beyond for their jobs.
  • Job candidates with in-demand skills that a business needs to thrive.

The Nigerian job market is skill and result-driven. That means if you do not have some in-demand skills, then it may be difficult for you to land a job in Nigeria.

Most of the employees that survived the effect and the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic are result driven and indispensable employees.

According to research, SMEs are responsible for most of Nigeria's employment. They account for 96% of businesses and 84% of jobs for the last five years, SMEs have contributed to around half of Nigeria's GDP. From our findings, SMEs looks to hire job candidates with in-demand skills.

Most SMEs in Nigeria provide solutions that require them to hire only job candidates with related skill-set or skill-sets that would be useful to the organization.

ICT remains an indispensable industry both now and in the future. Incorporating ICT in your job search and recruitment process is the way to go in 2021 and beyond.


Nigeria and the social media recruitment space

Many companies around the world use social media to recruit job candidates. According to research, more than 55 million companies are listed on LinkedIn with 14 million open jobs. It is also interesting to find out that 87% of recruiters regularly use LinkedIn.

The use of social media platforms for recruitment is also becoming a usual practice. Some start-up companies in Nigeria primarily source for prospective employees on social media platforms. Most of these companies use LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to search for top talents.

Social media recruitment

Top brands in Nigeria also leverage social media platforms to promote their brands and attract talents. Top brands take their social media pages seriously. According to research, 11 Nigerian banks made the global list of top 100 banks in English speaking countries that utilized social media for their business in the third quarter of 2019. The list includes:


The Nigerian Bank that used Social Media most in the 3rd quarter of 2019 with:

a. 6.38 million Facebook likes

b. 1.52 million Twitter followers

c. 20.17 million YouTube views.

GTBank was 9th on the global list but was 3rd in the global ranking in both Facebook likes and Twitter followers behind State Bank of India and YES, also an Indian bank.

Zenith Bank

The number 2 Nigerian Bank in terms of usage of Social Media in Q3 2019 and was 13th in the global ranking with

a. 5.67 million Facebook likes

b. 1.08 million Twitter followers

c. 23.73 million YouTube views.

Zenith was the 4th bank in the global ranking for Facebook likes and Twitter followers.

Access Bank and UBA are the 3rd and 4th Nigerian Banks on the list and 28th and 33rd in the global ranking with 2.61 million and 2.22 million Facebook likes; 0.41 million and 0.39 million Twitter followers and 5.57 million and 5.11 million YouTube views respectively.

Brands like Airtel are also known for their outstanding presence and engaging content on social media. Can you remember this particular post from Airtel that trended?

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(— Airtel Nigeria (@AirtelNigeria) January 17, 2019)

The social media space in Nigeria has evolved from being a play-thing to being a go-to tool for individuals and brands. Millions of Nigerians use social media platforms. Based on research:

  • 93% of Nigerians use Whatsapp
  • 86.2% use Facebook
  • 81.6% use Youtube
  • 73.1% use Instagram
  • 61.4% use Twitter

A large percentage of the Nigerian population are active on one or more social media platforms.

As a job seeker, building your brand is important to help you sell yourself to your potential employer. If you own a business, social media is also a great platform for you to create awareness for your brand.

Social media is a recruitment/job search trend that has come to stay.


MyJobMag job search and recruitment statistics

We know that a lot of things has changed in the job market. It is good you stay up to date with the latest job search and recruitment trends.

Whether you own a business or searching for a great job opportunity, these recruitment/job search statistics will guide your decision. See the latest 2021 recruitment/job search statistics from MyJobMag.

It is no news that many companies in Nigeria are currently struggling. Getting new hires is not the priority for many organizations in Nigeria. 

You may wonder; How come job vacancies pop up every day?

From our research, we have noticed that many companies in Nigeria recruit for only essential roles. That means that if the job role does not directly affect revenue, then the employer can decide to merge it with an existing one.

What does this mean for you as a job seeker?

Just like we said earlier, there are some skills that employers (both within and outside Nigeria) look for in job seekers. You must have noticed that almost every company has a website, social media page(s), etc. Having some basic IT skills will increase your chances of landing a job now.

The COVID-19 pandemic forced companies in Nigeria to embrace the virtual space. While this reduced the relevance of some job roles, the demand for others became higher. 

How can you tell you are on track as regards your skills?

It is easy, ask yourself this simple question: Can I carry out my day-to-day task without being in the office location? 

If you are an entry-level job candidate without in-demand skills, it may take a long time to land a job.

From our data, we discovered a 19% reduction in the number of jobs advertised in the first quarter of 2021. This means that there were more job adverts in 2020 and fewer job adverts in 2021. 

This data emphasizes what we said earlier. Employers in Nigeria are only interested in recruiting candidates that will help increase revenue and grow their businesses in different dimensions.



The Future of work

The future of work is remote work, as we see a rise in the growth of digital nomads and mobile workers. The future of work is Remote work and the Gig economy.

The future of work statistics

That is how the workspace will look like from 2021 and beyond:

  • 84% of recruiters are in the process of adapting their hiring processes to facilitate remote exchanges due to the COVID-19 pandemic (CNBC, 2020).
  • Experts predict that by 2025, roughly 36.2 million employees in the US will work remotely. (Upwork, 2020).
  • As of 2020, 41.8% of the American workforce are working remotely (Upwork, 2020).
  • In 2018, it was predicted that 25% of employers will offer remote work (Career Builder, 2018).
  • However, more recent data shows that 67% of employers provide flexible work arrangements. (Zenefits, 2020)
  • More than 35% of the US workforce are freelancers (Forbes, 2019).
  • 96% of software and IT companies allow remote work in some capacity (LinkedIn, 2019).
  • A 13% increase in productivity has been observed when employees are allowed to work from home (LinkedIn, 2019).

How to use these recruitment/job search to your advantage

For jobseekers…

The way people search and apply for jobs has changed. It is up to you to adapt your job search strategies to recent trends or risk missing great opportunities.

The job search statistics presented here gives you an idea of the job search practices, especially with some COVID-19 infused changes. These statistics can help you re-direct your job search.

If you own a business…

It may just be the right time for you to take a different route to attract top talents to your business. You can consider trends like offering remote work, diversity, career growth/development plans, etc.

These hiring statistics will help you stay up-to-date with recruitment trends that will help you recruit top talents.

Do you have any questions? Let us know in the comment section below.

Staff Writer

This article was written and edited by a staff writer.

1 Comment(s)

  • Albert still
    Albert still Oct 02, 2023

    This article is fantastic and I got some good information by reading this. 


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