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5 Tips for Hiring the Best Customer Support Reps

Updated on Aug 19, 2018 2437 views
5 Tips for Hiring the Best Customer Support Reps

Finding it hard to hire the right customer service personnel for your business?

As food is essential for human development, so is customer service essential for any business growth.

Customer service is the key that unlocks the success of every business. For any business to succeed with its employees and with its sales, that business must have an effective customer service structure.

According to research, many organizations consider customer service as the number one factor in their businesses. This is very impressive because successful business owners know what it means to have a satisfied and happy customer to their brand.

In today’s competitive business environment, the struggle for patronage and customers’ loyalty is very high. This is a never-ending struggle that every entrepreneur must face. Any business that can thrive will experience financial success and great patronage. That is why customer service is important for your business growth.

The effect of customer service to a business cannot be over-emphasized because customer service cannot be separated from business, customer service is business itself.

To achieve business success, learn why customer service is important to a business and how to hire a good customer service person here.



10 Reasons Why Customer Service is Important to a Business


Customer service basically refers to the common rules that guide the way an organization and its employees treat their customers. Here is how customer service can affect your business;

#1: Maintain Brand Reputation


Maintaining a brand reputation is necessary for any business and brand. The aim of an organization should be centered on its customers. Like the popular saying “ profit is the soul of every business”. Ultimately every business or organization wants to make profit, but it is still impossible to reach the financial goal of your business without your customers.

The duty of the organization does not end when they have made sales, it rather begins, because that is the point the business should pay attention to customer experience and satisfaction. A satisfied and happy customer adds a great value to your brand.

You can maintain your brand reputation by engaging with your customers, making them aware of your value and ethics. Forming a good customer service structure will help you retain your customer base and even help you win more customers.


#2: Differentiates Your Company from Other Companies


Customer service is one aspect of your business that can make you stand out from other companies that do the same thing you do. The experience you give your customers can differentiate you from other companies providing the same service.

Sometimes customers find it really challenging choosing which company they should go for, especially when there are many companies providing the same goods or services, but putting an extra effort into your customer service can differentiate you from other companies.


#3: A Good Customer Service Results in Prevention of Future/Overall Problems


The rate of your customer service effectiveness can help prevent future problems for your company. Just like a stitch in time can save nine, paying attention to your customers’ challenges and giving them a worthwhile experience can help prevent future and overall problems for your business.

When you treat your customers well and engage in a great conversation with them, your customers will feel free to contact you if they experience any challenge while using your product and service. The problems your customers may bring to your attention maybe problems you have not experienced before.

If you treat your customers poorly, you may run a risk of destroying your company name which can ultimately destroy your business.


#4: Higher Conversion Rate

The type of customer service you offer to your customers will affect the overall conversion rate of your business. The kind of customer service experience you give your customers is necessary for generating business for your brand. This might look exaggerated, but let us take a look at this scenario; Imagine that your business at one point or the other failed to deliver good customer service to your customers, and the customers end up becoming very dissatisfied and angry that the resort to the internet to drop their angry comment, there is a very high possibility that your sales within that period will reduce drastically.

On the other hand, if your business customer service was top notch at a particular time, then happy and satisfied customers leave positive comments on your social media profiles, there will also be a very high possibility that your business will experience a higher conversion rate.

#5: Customer Retention

A good customer service will ultimately result in great customer retention for your business. Maintaining the existing customer base is as important as growing a new one. From research, it is less expensive to maintain an existing customer than bringing new customers to your business and organization.

It is easier for a brand that already has a good and strong customer strength to retain customers. Customers develop a sense of trust and loyalty over time especially with the kind of customer service they get. Customers that are already brand loyal are easy to retain. For your business to thrive it is important you learn about customer retention.


#6: Helps with Problem Solving

Every business is solving a problem they have identified in the society. Every business has something valuable to offer to their customers which is always the solution to a problem. Customer service is that aspect of the business that helps customers with their experience as they apply or make use of the solution provided.

The essence of customer service is to help brands engage their customers in case of any problem. The main purpose of customer service is to make sure that customers are well educated about a product or service and are given tips on how they can solve basic problems they may encounter trying to the use the product or service.

The core of customer service is problem-solving. If you are able to solve your customers’ challenges effectively, that is when you can start experiencing success in your business.


#7: Help with Product Improvement

The major way customer service helps with product improvement is through negative feedback. As a good customer service person, you should not reject negative feedback, rather you should welcome and value them. One of the best things to do to improve your business is to value negative feedbacks. Take advantage of negative feedback to improve your products and services.

When customers are unhappy and disappointed with your product, you should always offer sincere apologies to them and promise to do better. The golden rule of customer service is that customers are key and they should always be treated as one. Embrace negative feedback to improve your products.

#8: It conveys strong moral values

Making your customers satisfaction your priority and taking care of your customers conveys strong moral value and belief in your company’s aim and mission. It helps your customers’ believe that your purpose transcends making profit alone but strengthens their conviction that your business is after their satisfaction and comfort.

It makes your customers understand that you want to build something of value to help others by helping with problem-solving.

#9: It improves employee Output in your business.


When you treat your customers right and pay attention to their needs it will affect the way your employees view the company. Employees pay careful attention to how a company treats its customers. An employee will be proud to be part of a team that has a good customer service reputation.

An employee would love to do more to keep up the good reputation and image.

#10: It can Prolong your Stay in the Market


Many companies often lose their place in the market or simply die out due to different reasons. When you ignore the needs of your customers, and not focus on trying your possible best and going out of your way to satisfy them, then you are shortening your stay in the market.

If you are serious about your business and wish to prolong your stay, then it is important for you to focus on the core of your business which is customer service.


Tips to Hiring a Good Customer Service Representative


As a recruitment company, we know hunting for good customer service representative is not an easy task.

The problem that most hiring managers face is that they mainly focus on getting someone to fill a position and not necessarily finding the right person for the position. Often times people with the right qualification, skill and experience may not have the right attitude needed for a particular position. Attitude is key when you are hiring someone to fill a customer service position.

Follow the following tips and hire the best customer service person for your business;

  • Hire someone with the right mindset: When you are hiring a customer service person, focus on someone that has the right mindset of service. A person that clearly understands that his role is not only based on serving others but also built on always willing to go the extra mile to serve. A person that has the mindset that his main purpose is to create a positive, memorable and satisfying customer experience.
  • Hire leaders and not followers: Leaders are great problem solvers, unlike people that just like to follow other people steps. Leaders are responsibility takers and decision makers. Leadership skill is necessary when it comes to handling customers that desire a quick response.
  • Hire a team player: A good team player will be able to work collectively with other team members to satisfy customers. A team player will be able to create a strong rapport with team members and customers.
  • Hire attentive listeners: In customer service, attentive listening is key. It is important for hiring managers to hire someone that has a good listening ability to attend and listen to frustrated customers. A good listening ability will help a customer service person ask the right question and figure out the real issue the customer has.
  • Hire great communicators: Since customer service is a people based profession, creating positive interpersonal interactions with customers is very important. Since communication is one of the major aspects of customer service that is why communication is a major skill to look out for when hiring a customer service person.
  • Look out for skills, qualifications, and attitude: When you are hiring a customer service person, you should always look out for skill alongside attitude and qualification. They all go hand in hand to make sure you have the best hire.


If you are a businessman or a human resources manager, it is important for you to know that your brand success is largely dependent on your customer service. There is nothing more fulfilling than keeping your customers satisfied. The best way to keep them satisfied is by providing an excellent and effective customer service always.

Also Read, Top Secret to Finding Great Talents for your Small Business

Staff Writer

This article was written and edited by a staff writer.

1 Comment(s)

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