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How to Write Entry-Level Resume (With Resume Sample and Interview Tips)

Updated on Dec 02, 2020 4474 views
How to Write Entry-Level Resume (With Resume Sample and Interview Tips)

Ever come across an entry-level job advert that called for work experience? Well, you aren’t alone. This can be frustrating for any job seeker and can even give rise to a feeling of dejection.

But all hope is not lost. Most times, you do not need to show that you have experience alone. Instead, you have to show that you have experience and skills that are relevant to the position you are applying for.

At the point when you're entering the labour market and making a resume with no work experience, you'll need to zero in on different encounters that helped you build up your skills, share your most prominent qualities, and feature your education (and achievements, if any).

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Composing a resume for an entry-level position can be overwhelming. Especially if it will be your first paid work, you may feel like you have almost nothing to input in your resume.

On your first resume with no solid work experience, education should be your primary prioritized. 

Besides, you may have more experience than you might suspect. Keep in mind, summer occupations, entry-level positions, and charitable effort exhibit your duty just as your abilities. They would all be able to be remembered for your resume. 

How to Write an Entry-Level Resume

In this post, you’ll learn how to write an entry-level job resume and what to include on the resume. You’ll also see what an entry-level job resume looks like and how to pass an interview for an entry-level job. 

1. Compose a Creative Resume Objective

No, this isn't an obsolete practice. It is the window where you talk about your professional objectives for a long time from now. All things being equal, an outline proclamation is your opportunity to feature who you are expertly and what you can accomplish for an organization. 

Since you don't have involvement with the labor force yet, this is your occasion to truly show a business that you can bring to the table. It should be quick and painless and forthright. 

This segment is discretionary, however, can be an extraordinary spot to underline how your specific abilities coordinate the position you are applying for or your energy for the job. You may specify your hierarchical aptitudes for a regulatory position or your side interest in building sites for companions in a resume for employment in the IT office.       

Your resume synopsis shouldn't be longer than a couple of lines, and you should tailor it to each request for employment so you can feature your most significant abilities for the function being referred to. 

2. Make a Skills Segment 

Although you probably won't have work experiences, you do have skills, so it's imperative to dedicate a portion of your resume to it.

Try not to list abilities like "correspondence" or "MS Word." Instead, consider your hard and soft skills.

Your hard skills will be the more specialized abilities you learned in your classes; possibly you're a Photoshop star or you know Python. In the interim, your soft skills are more close to home skills, which incorporates: 

  • A solid, hard-working attitude 
  • Innovative critical thinking 
  • Creativity 
  • Time Management
  • Problem-solving
  • Teamwork 
  • You'll likewise need to consider your transferable skills or employability skills — particularly if you are deviating from the scope of the course you studied. These are the abilities you can take with you for a fact to encounter. 

For example, if you worked in a leadership position during a volunteer job, you can include that you gained the leadership skill from there and that ability will "move" well to any work. 

3. List your Achievements 

Plunk down with a pen and paper and begin composing a rundown of every one of your accomplishments and exercises. Possibly you composed for the school paper were in a distinctions society, or maybe you were the leader of the debate team. Whatever it is, record it! 

From that rundown, you'll need to single out which encounters to remember for your resume. Since you'll need to tailor your resume to each employment form with the most important encounters, this may appear to be unique each time. 

However, by conceptualizing this "ace rundown" of accomplishments and exercises, you'll support your certainty (you most likely have more experience than you might suspect) and make it simpler on yourself as you round out requests for employment.

Here are the significant components to remember for your entry-level resume: 

1. Contact Information

Make sure to incorporate your email, telephone, and other contact data, so that it's simple for hiring managers o connect. 


Make sure your email address is professional— is more desirable than 

2. Work Experience

You might not have held an all-day work previously, yet have you worked low maintenance? A wide range of involvement is reasonable to list, including summer occupations, temporary jobs, and volunteer positions. You can likewise incorporate extracurricular exercises. 

3. Education

As well as referencing degrees, you can likewise break out important coursework, and incorporate your GPA. 

Tip: Leave off your GPA if it's low.

4. Skills

Include whatever may be useful in the work environment, from the dialects you address your capability level with PC projects and programming.

5. Objective

This segment is discretionary, however, can be an extraordinary spot to underline how your specific abilities coordinate the position you are applying for or your energy for the job. You may specify your hierarchical aptitudes for a regulatory position or your side interest in building sites for companions in a resume for employment in the IT office.       

Entry-Level Resume Example

Samantha Jane

212-555-0251 • • •


Agile web developer and graphic designer looking for a challenge in a position where my creative ideas can be fully developed.


BSc in Computer Science 

University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu 

Second Class Upper

Relevant Coursework

Cloud infrastructure and deployment

Safety and security measures for the  IT world   

Work Experience

Web developer and graphics designer at the Redeemed Christian Church.

Key Achievements

Created and curated an internet presence for the Church.

Built the church’s website.

Created a mobile library of church hymns, sermons, and programmed.


  • User interface & user experience
  • Problem recognition and diagnosis
  • Graphics designing
  • Cloud architecture
  • Project management
  • Network administration
  • Cloud deployment
  • Communication skills
  • Analytical skills
  • Collaboration and leadership skills


2019 - Google Analytics Individual Qualification (IQ)

While having a great resume is good for an entry-level job seeker, it is also important for you to learn tips to ace your interview. As you know, a great resume only takes you so far. 

Below are some things you need to know before going  for an entry-level job interview:

1. Be Well-Prepared 

The hiring managers ought not to get a feeling that you are not prepared for the meeting. Sort out your resume, reports, degrees, and declarations in a document. 

Additionally, keep a couple of additional duplicates of your resume in the record, and don't stop for a second while taking every one of your archives along. 

The interviewers most likely won't be keen on observing the,  however,  it never damages to convey them along. 

Rather than giving out any off-base impression, conveying all reports with yourself in a meeting will make the interview see your energy for finding a new line of work alongside your awareness of others' expectations and a sense of duty. 

2. Be At Your Best 

Don't just focus on your archives and mental arrangements for the meeting. Focus on your actual appearance.

Although it is ideal to show the genuine side of you, it is better to play smart.  In the event that you have tongue or eyebrow piercings, you will most likely be unable to pass on your interview for the work. 

Take out your best-tailored suit to wear for the meeting. Get a decent hairstyle to suit your character, and stroll in for your meeting with a splendid grin. 

In an interview, non-verbal communication assumes an extraordinary function in choosing the disappointment or achievement of the competitor. 

Do whatever it takes not to show up excessively cognizant or anxious. All things being equal, look certain, and give a positive early introduction by welcoming them first. 

3. Plan For The Basic Questions 

There are sure fundamental inquiries that hiring managers pose in each interview. Applicants who prepare adequately, feel clear when they face such inquiries. 

Following is a rundown of barely any for the most part posed inquiries that you ought to have the option to reply to in your meeting: 

Where do you see yourself in the next 5-10 years? 

For what reason would it be advisable for us to hire you? 

Disclose to us something important to you. 

For what reason would you like to work with us? 

What are your shortcomings and qualities? 

What does success mean to you? 

These questions look simple to answer yet numerous individuals get confused when posed with them in an interview. So, alongside planning for the employment-related questions, set yourself up to respond to these basic inquiries as well.

4. Do a Mock Interview 

If you are going for an interview unexpectedly, give a false interview to your friend or a tutor can extraordinarily profit you. 

Request that your friend asks all of your work-related inquiries. Additionally, request that he rate your meeting and point out the risky areas that you have to take a shot at. 

Mock interviews can assist you with rehearsing for the main interview. Likewise, it helps in boosting your confidence. No one can anticipate the genuine questions posed during a meeting, yet you will have the option to address each address all the more unhesitatingly in the event that you have sufficiently drilled. 

5. Know about  the Job and the Company 

It is fundamental to comprehend the idea of the work and objectives of the organization where you are going for a meeting. 

When you are short-listed for a meeting, utilize every one of your assets to look at the points and objectives of the organization. 

Also, gather all important insights regarding the idea of work that you are applying for. The interviewer ought not to get a feeling that you have no clue about the work.

 This interview won't just assist you with experiencing a prospective employee meeting. It will also empower you to know the job market better.

Now that you've learnt how to write a resume and how to pass interviews for entry-level jobs, let's help you find jobs that are best best suited for you.



Staff Writer

This article was written and edited by a staff writer.

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