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Peace Direct Awards for Innovation in local Peace Building

Updated on Apr 06, 2020 666 views
Peace Direct Awards for Innovation in local Peace Building

The Peace Direct Awards, formerly the Tomorrow's Peacebuilders Awards, recognize innovation in local peacebuilding. The annual awards honor organizations that are trying different peacebuilding approaches or new organizations doing peacebuilding where it hasn't been done previously.

The prizes

The winning organisations will each receive $10,000, online promotion of their work, and free admission to PeaceCon in Washington, DC. Each winner receives an all-expenses paid trip to the award ceremony in the United States.*

How to enter

In order to enter, you will need to complete an application form. Use the buttons below to begin your application. There are two stages to the application process. During the first stage you will be asked to provide basic information about your organisation, peacebuilding activities, and ambitions. A selection of organisations will progress to the next stage where they will be asked to provide additional information.

If you are unable to complete an online application, it is possible to download the application as a word document, which can be submitted via email. Please contact us on for more information.


These are global awards so there is no geographical restriction on applications. In order to be eligible to enter, you must:

  • Undertake peacebuilding work – your organisation is either a peacebuilding organisation or has peacebuilding as a substantial element of your work.
  • Be locally based – your organisation must be based in the country or communities where your work is done. If your organisation operates in multiple countries, you are not eligible to enter. (Note cross-border projects are eligible.)
  • Be an independent organisation, not an in-country or satellite organisation of an international NGO.
  • Be working, or planning to work, in at least one of the following thematic areas: women-led peacebuilding; youth-led peacebuilding; or non-violent action.

In order to help decide whether to enter or not, we recommend you read our Guidance Notes and Terms and Conditions.


Applications will be accepted from 23 March 2020 until 27 April 2020We strongly recommend applying as early as possible. We will review applications as they are submitted to ensure they are complete and correct, therefore early applications enjoy this advantage and a greater chance of success.


Staff Writer

This article was written and edited by a staff writer.

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