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Taipei International Design Award 2020

Updated on Apr 23, 2020 787 views
Taipei International Design Award 2020


Taipei City Government organizes the Taipei International Design Award in the ethos of “Design for Adaptive City”, as an on-going gesture to the world, particularly to those with a passion for creativeness and design, a gesture in projecting the urban branding imagery of “Design Taipei; Dream Taipei”. Here is an open call for outstanding international designs and an effort to shape Taipei into a convergence platform for creative designs, thereby to discover creative designs with business potential, and further still, to encourage practices of social design in an advocacy that design as a medium can bring humans a better, more pleasant and convenient life.

Taipei City Government has been devoted to shaping Taipei into a city with design visions and has been encouraging designers to see design as a problem-solving tool, that is, to contemplate on the meaning of design, to solve problems inevitably faced by the general public and society, and to promote a sustainable city, further presenting Taipei International Design Award in the ethos of “Design for Adaptive City.”

Note: The competition was known as Taipei Industrial Design Award between 2008 and 2011, re-named in 2012 as Taipei International Design Award, and has been so called since.


  1. Directed by: Taipei City Government
  2. Organized by: Department of Economic Development, Taipei City Government
  3. Executed by: China Productivity Center
  • Endorsed (Recognized) by:
  • International Council of Design (ico-D)
  • International Federation of Interior Architects/Designers (IFI)
  • World Design Organization (WDO)™


  • Graphic Design Association of the Republic of China
  • Chinese Industrial Designers Association
  • Chinese Society of Interior Designers
  • The Graphic Design Association of the Republic of China
  • Taiwan Poster Design Association


  1. Everyone around the world are welcomed to participate individually or as a group (each group is limited to five members) with one member as main correspondent.
  2. Entries must be original creations of the contestants completed after June 30, 2018.

Industrial design refers to design works that can be mass-produced, including general and digital application, Transportation tools, equipment and instruments, daily utilities and household goods, IT and home appliances, etc.

Visual communication includes designs of digital graphic creations, identity, posters, packaging and printing.

Open space provided for public use, government buildings, and private establishments that are partially provided for public use.

Activity    Date    Description
Start of Registration    2020/4/1    Online registration
Registration Deadline    2020/7/15    Taipei time 23:59 (GMT+08:00)
Preliminary Selection Online    2020/7/20~8/21     
Announcement of Finalists    2020/8/30    The announcement will be public in event’s website
Deadline for Submission of Final Works/Mockups    2020/9/30    
Taipei time 17:00 (GMT+08:00)
Deadline is based on the time and date the final works/mockups are received.
Properly packaged works should be mailed or personally delivered to the “2020 Taipei International Design Award Team” at China Productivity Center, 2F, No. 79, Sec. 1, Xintai 5th Rd., Xizhi District, New Taipei City, 221.
Finalists for the Industrial Design category should submit mockups. Finalists for the Visual Communication Design category should submit a poster or the actual design work. Finalists for the Public Space Design category should submit a mockup of the work or 3D animation.
Final Selection    2020/10/22    Venue in Taipei City, Taiwan
Award Ceremony    2020/10/23    
Award winners will be announced at the award ceremony and on the event’s website.
The venue will be announced at a later date.



Process Specifications
Industrial Design Visual Communication Design Public Space Design
Upload of documents
  1. All entries need to be registered online and obtain a serial number to complete registration.
  2. Upload design concept description, max. 500 words. (English as the main language supported by other languages when necessary).
  3. Upload the name of the work (English as the main language, supported by other languages when necessary).
Upload of sketches
  1. All files should come in the format of Jpg with the maximum size of 3MB per photo.
  2. Size: W1190*H840 pixels; resolution: 96 dpi~150 dpi.
Maximum 3 photos of the work can be uploaded. Maximum 3 photos of the work can be uploaded. Maximum 5 photos of the work can be uploaded.

Please ensure that the images of the entries can fully present the design concept and quality in order for jurors to comprehend the work content.

  1. Registration:All registration must be performed online.
    (1) Pease proceed to our official website ( to obtain personal account. After completing on-line registration, you will receive an automatic email of ‘Account Confirmed Notification’. Contestants can sign on and upload files before the registration deadline, and then sign the “Intellectual Property Rights Disclaimer” to complete the registration procedure. The system will send an automatic email of ‘Registration Confirmed Notification’ to the contestant’s email address.

    (2) Please enter into the registration form your email address correctly in order to receive event-related information from the event executor.

  2. Final Selection:
    Contestants entering the final selection are required to submit the actual physical works. The categories and specifications of entries are detailed as follows
    Process Specifications
    Industrial Design Visual Communication Design Public Space Design
    Submission of Actual Physical Works
    1. If already mass-produced, the work can be submitted as it is.
    2. If not yet mass-produced, the work can be submitted as mockups in a scale of 1:1 ratio or a scale-down miniature in proportion to the original, and under the bulk volume, within 40 x 40 x 40 (cm3) and 100 x 100 x 100 (cm3).
    3. An animation presenting the work from various perspectives may submitted in the format of mp4 and with the size of 1080 pixels or above. The length of the animation is limited to 90 seconds.
    1. For the poster designs, the works can be submitted as posters or poster printouts in size A1 (59.4 cm x 84.1 cm). Up to 3 pieces may be submitted.
    2. For visual identity design, printing design, and mixed printing designs, actual physical works or printouts in size A1 (59.4 cm x 84.1 cm) , can be submitted. Up to 3 pieces may be submitted.
    1. Poster printouts should be in size A1 (59.4 cm x 84.1 cm) and limited to 5 pieces.
    2. The work can be submitted as a mockup in a scale of 1:1 ratio or a scale-down miniature in proportion to the original, and under the bulk volume, within 40 x 40 x 40 (cm3) and 100 x 100 x 100 (cm3) or an animation in the format of mp4 with the length of 90 seconds or less and the size of 1080 pixels or above.
    Submission of Digital Files
    1. Design concept description (max. 500 words) (English as the main language supported by other languages when necessary).
    2. Original images of the work (unlimited pieces; format: tif; longest border size: Up to 3508 pixels; resolution: 300dpi).
    3. 1 photo of designer(s).
    1. Images of the work containing use instructions and scenarios.
    2. Animations that demonstrate application and scenario.
    1. Images of the work containing use instructions (for package design).
    2. Videos that demonstrate the works.
    1. Images of the work containing use instructions and scenarios.
    2. Animations that demonstrate space scenario.

      Note:For the mockup-related regulations, refer to (9)-(14) of 3. Contestants in X. Reminder..



  1. (1) The organizer should invite local and international experts as judge panel. The judge panel for each category will consist of experts who come from more than two different continents and nationalities.
  2. (2) The organizer reserves the right to change the members of the judge panel if members are unable to participate in the selection process due to illness or unforeseeable circumstances.


  1. (1) Inspection of Qualifications: The details of entries, including qualifications, documents, and formats, are inspected.
  2. (2) Preliminary Selection: The preliminary selection will be conducted by submission of digital files via an online system. Qualified entries in each category will be selected as finalists.
  3. (3) Final Selection: The final selection will be based on the actual physical works, mockups, animations or printouts that meet required specifications.


Assessment Criteria Description
  • Use of new materials to reduce pollution and solve daily life hassles
  • User-friendly
  • Level of commercialization
  • The industrial design category will be selected based on the completeness and feasibility of the production plan of the work.
  • Creativity, innovation
  • Innovative application of functions, materials and techniques
  • Sophistication of design works
  • Visual attraction and aesthetical interpretation

(1) The organizer guarantees that the judging process will be conducted in a fair and impartial procedure and guarantees that it will not influence the judge panel during the judging process.
(2) The juror’s decision is final and abiding. No third party correspondence (jury and contestants) will change the decision.



Awards Category
Industrial Design Visual Communication Design Public Space Design
Taipei City Mayor Award
(NTD 600,000)


Golden Award
(NTD 500,000)
1 1 1
Silver Award
(NTD 200,000)
1 1 1
Bronze Award
(NTD 150,000)
1 1 1
ico-D Excellence Award
- 1 -
IFI Special Award
- - 1
WDO Sustainability Award
1 - -
Advanced Application Award
Circular Design Award
Social Design Award
Judges’ Special Award
(NTD 10,000)
5 5 5
People's Choice Award
(NTD 10,000)
1 1 1
Sponsors Award To be adjusted according to the total sponsored
Distinction Several per category


  1. Note:
    1. (1) Aside from the cash prize, the Taipei City Mayor Award/Golden Award/Silver Award/Bronze Award/ico-D Excellence Award/IFI Special Award/WDO Sustainability Award/Advanced Application Design Award/Circular Design Award/Social Design Award/Judges’ Special Award winners will also receive a trophy and a certificate of recognition; the People’s Choice Award, Sponsors Award, and Distinction winners will receive a certificate of recognition.
    2. (2) People’s Choice Award: Each person have 1 vote for a specific work in each category, and the work with the highest number of votes in each category will receive the People’s Choice Award.
    3. (3) Absent or addition of award winners permitted when the judge panel sees fit. The judge panel also reserves the right to change the prize or the award granted.
    4. (4) The organizer reserves the right to adjust content and quantity of Sponsors Awards.
    5. (5) The names of all the winners will be announced on the official website to allow businesses to contact them for future design projects.
  2. Description of Special Awards
    1. (1) Taipei City Mayor Award: As the biggest prize in this event, this is presented to the work that targets Taipei City for its design service and submits -- from the perspectives of urban developments, life of city residents, and public services -- the creative design proposal with the most impact on users and on urban sustainability.
    2. Note: This Award following the above definition will be selected out of all works of the finalists.
    3. (2) Advanced Application Award: This is presented to the work that has been mass-produced and is able to break the status quo, make use of new materials, simplify production procedures, advanced applications to create its commercial value and further improve life quality.
    4. (3) Social Design Award: This is presented to the work designed under the premise of creating public interests and applying design thinking, given limited resources, to shed light on social issues pending urgent improvement, with design approaches at the core to solve problems inevitably confronting the people, society or city, while exercising the impact of design.
    5. (4) Circular Design Award: This is presented to the work that introduces new technology and new ideas into product manufacturing, use and disposal in order to give new life to the product and improve the efficiency of various resources.


  1. No extra fees will be charged for registration, exhibition of award winning works and inclusion in the themed journal.
  2. All contestants, regardless of whether they are professional designers, students or non-designers participate under the same rules and terms of this competition and have equal right to receive the same prizes.
  3. Contestants
    1. (1) The intellectual property right should remain the property of the contestant.
    2. (2) All works should be created by the contestant himself/herself. At the time of registration, the contestants should fully understand and agree to the “Intellectual Property Rights Disclaimer” and declare that the works do not infringe on the intellectual property rights of others.
    3. (3) Before submission to the competition, it is the responsibility of the contestant to confirm and protect the design intellectual property of his/her work before exhibition in public.
    4. (4) When registering and submitting an entry, the applicant has fully read and agreed to the content of the Handbook.
    5. (5) The contestant fully understands that any personal information provided will be used in accordance with the organizer's privacy policy.
    6. (6) For a smoother judging process, all entries are required to have an English work description to serve as reference for international judges.
    7. (7) The contestant agrees to abide by the rules of the competition as determined by the organizer and accepts that the judges’ decision is final, and no correspondence will be entered into.
    8. (8) The contestants understand that their applications, detail of works, and any promotional material may be used, reported, and displayed by the organizers in activities and propaganda related to the competition (e.g. propaganda, exhibition tours, and publishing or commissioned publishing).
    9. (9) Contestants are responsible for all costs arising from the delivery of their works for the final selection (including but not limited to shipping fees and custom duties). Contestants are also responsible for the relevant declaration procedures. The organizer is not responsible for paying related costs. In order to avoid extended period of time for clearing customs, causing delay in delivery, it is advised not fill in more than USD$50 value of the entry works.
    10. (10) Contestants are solely responsible for damage caused during transportation of their entries. To protect the work during transportation, please firmly pack the works with re-detachable packaging materials and supports and purchase insurance for the works. The organizer or event executor will not be liable for any damage caused by improper packaging during transportation, final selection, and exhibition.
    11. (11) When contestants win the Taipei City Mayor Award, Golden Award/Silver Award/Bronze Award, Advanced Application Award, Social Design Award, or Circular Design Award, the ownership of the mockups (or actual physical works) submitted will be transferred to Taipei City Government.
    12. (12) The mockups and works for the final selection (except for Taipei City Mayor Award, Advanced Application Award, Circular Design Award, Social Design Award, Golden Award/Silver Award/Bronze Award winners) will be returned by mail or personal pickup after the event (in December). The time and location for return will be announced separately.
    13. (13) The organizer and event executor will bear the shipping fee for return once only. If the works are returned due to the contestants’ Customs, failure to receive, or provision of wrong addresses, the contestants should bear the shipping fee.
    14. (14) The contestant fully understands and agrees to cooperate with the organizer and the event executor regarding the return of works and the transfer of ownership.
    15. (15) The contestant should provide all reasonable information and actual production samples of the entry (if required) for further examination and exhibition as required.
    16. (16) Information of contestants will be provided for Taipei City Government to promote and coach the design industry.
    17. (17) Details about the People’s Choice Award will be posted on the official website separately.
  4. Award Winners
    1. (1) The final list of award winners will be confirmed by the judge panel and the event executor will announce the award winners in the award ceremony.
    2. (2) Absent or addition of award winners permitted when the judge panel sees fit. The judge panel also reserves the right to change the prize or the award granted.
    3. (3) Cash and prizes are subject to income tax withholding according to the Income Tax Act of the Republic of China. Taipei City Government will process the payment within 2-3 months after the announcement of the list of award winners.
    4. (4) The organizer will process related foreign exchanges. To ensure timely payment, award winners are required to provide correct bank account information.
    5. (5) The prize money does not include acquiring of designer's intellectual property right.
    6. (6) The names of all winners will be placed on the official website to allow businesses to contact them for future design projects.
    7. (7) It is not intended that the winning design be reproduced by the organizer.
    8. (8) There is no design development and therefore no fee by the organizer.
    9. (9) For the Taipei City Mayor Award, Golden Award, Silver Award, Bronze Award, Advanced Application Award, Social Design Award, or Circular Design Award winners of foreign nationality other than the host country, the organizer will invite the individual contestant or one representative of the winning group to attend the award ceremony and provide plane ticket, accommodation, and reception fees; the maximum number of foreign contestants invited to the ceremony is 6 people. Award winners will be invited in sequence of the Gold, Silver, to Bronze prizes in their category.
    10. (10) The work name, unit name, and designer name displayed in the special issue of the event, award certificate, and trophy are mainly based on the information provided by the contestants in the registration system. If contestants apply for change in the work name, unit name, or designer name, they should bear the costs of changes in the certificates and trophies. Once the award winners are announced, no information can be changed, including website announcements and special issues.
    11. (11) The organizer reserves the right to use the entries for promotional purposes for a period of three years after the announcement of winners. No commercial interest will be involved. The promotion plan includes propaganda, exhibition tours, publishing or commissioned publishing, and print and electronic media. Contestants should not claim for any payment.
  5. All award winners will be requested to provide additional files or information for exhibitions and publication use. In order to meet the specifications of International Competition, contestants may be asked to submit additional information/works.
  6. We only promote the winner’s design works. All non-winning works will not be used or published.
  7. Disqualification
    1. (1) Contestants failing to submit the actual physical works, mockups, or electronic files required for the final selection before the deadline will be disqualified.
    2. (2) Any entry on the final list, or awarded entry accused and/or exposed with sufficient evidence, for being completed before June 30, 2018, the event executor should withdraw its place and retrieve all prizes awarded.
    3. (3) Any entry on the final list, or awarded entry accused and/or exposed with sufficient evidence, for unoriginality or infringement of other people’s work, the event executor should withdraw its place and retrieve all prizes awarded.
    4. (4) Any entry on the final list, or awarded entry accused and/or exposed with sufficient evidence, for plagiarizing or infringing intellectual property rights and ruled guilty by the court of law, or where the judge panel deliberates based on obvious facts, the event executor should withdraw its place and retrieve all prizes awarded.
    5. (5) If the above two cases cause a third party to claim rights against the organizer or the event executor, finalists and award winners should solve the issues immediately and bear all litigation expenses, attorney’s fees, and other related expenses; finalists and award winners should also unconditionally compensate the organizer or event executor for direct or indirect damage (including but not limited to reputation) arising therefrom.
    6. (6) The design works of the judge panel and affiliated companies should not participate in the event. Contestants and their affiliated companies will automatically be disqualified if they participate in the judge panel.
  8. For issues that arise after the Handbook is completed, the event executor is liable for making corrections or additions when necessary. All details to be announced on the official website




Staff Writer

This article was written and edited by a staff writer.

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