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  • Posted: Jul 1, 2024
    Deadline: Jul 8, 2024
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    Committed To Good (CTG) is an award-winning private sector company that enables humanitarian and development projects in conflict zones. As a people solutions business, we recruit, deploy and manage the right people with the right skills to implement projects in the world's toughest regions.
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    LGA Facilitator (Sokoto)

    Overview of position

    • In 2020, Nigeria was declared WPV free for having gone without any WPV cases for over four years. However, Nigeria is experiencing outbreaks of cVDPV2 due to low Routine Immunization (RI) coverage & population immunity. In 2018, Nigeria experienced a major outbreak leading to about 34 cases. The National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA) in collaboration with partners has ensured the overall planning, implementation & monitoring of the polio eradication program in 19 northern states & a few southern states where the spread was recorded. As of 2018, the number of cases reduced to 18, but about 4.3 million children are still unimmunized (18%, MICS / NICS 2021).
    • RI performance in Nigeria has remained suboptimal for over 10 years, according to the National Demographic Health Surveys (NDHS) of 2003, 2008, 2013 & 2018, communication & social mobilization are critical components in RI & Supplementary Immunization (SI) campaigns for polio vaccination & other vaccines. The Volunteer Community Mobilizers (VCM) network is one of the strongest community structures that support 12 high risk states in northern Nigeria, working closely with stakeholders, caregivers & communities to promote vaccination. These volunteers organize community dialogues & compound meetings, track newborns & children under five years for polio vaccination & refer pregnant women to health facilities for antenatal care. The network is supervised by a network of Facilitators at the LGA & state levels
    • The engagement of state & LGA Facilitators across these states has ensured no wild polio case has been reported for the past 3 years, after the last polio case was reported in August 2016 from Borno state. Enhanced awareness of the community about the polio campaign remained at 94%. Strengthened monitoring of the program & routine monitoring of the program is jointly done by all polio partners. Support rapid survey implementation to generate additional data, national level review, planning & capacity building events for VCM network members & a data quality assurance mechanism in place.
    • The LGA Facilitators will be located at the state & LGA with frequent trips to wards & settlements to provide that essential link between the community structures in the assigned LGA of implementation, serving to coordinate & supervise polio / RI activities at the LGA level. S / he will supervise the day to day implementation of polio / RI activities across our client supported implementation sites. S / he will also supervise the daily operations of the VCM network, with a specific focus on ensuring quality implementation & data reporting. The LGA Facilitator will also play a prominent role in reporting on the changing humanitarian situation (Borno / Yobe states) within their LGAs & will enable & client & its partners to adapt in a timely & appropriate response to the changing situation. In the context of increasing insecurity with limited travel to implementation sites by our clients staff, LGA Facilitators’ presence in the field provides a much needed means for program monitoring to ensure the maintenance of the quality of implementation according to national & international protocols as well as an independent layer of accountability.

    Role objectives

    • Supervise a team of Volunteer Ward Supervisors (VWS), Polio Survivor Group (PSG) & Volunteer Community Mobilizers (VCM) in his / her area(s) through regular monitoring, capacity building & supportive supervision.
    • Work within specified LGA(s), ward & settlement to ensure deeper ward / settlement analysis, planning & implementation of strategic communications interventions.
    • The specific communication interventions to be implemented in each area will be informed by local knowledge, social data & unique characteristics of the wards/settlements.
    • Consult with our clients SBC & State Facilitator to mobilize & ensure the effective organization and functioning of the LGA social mobilization task team.
    • Support LGA Health Educators in meetings of the LGA social mobilization team to plan, implement & report on communication interventions supporting the polio & non polio SIA programs & targeting high risk wards within the state.
    • Conduct regular community mapping exercises to identify vulnerable groups, hard to reach communities, strategic communication & mobilization delivery points & channels for messaging, advocacy & public education (microplanning).
    • Identify training needs / gaps of various groups & seek support from our clients SBC & State Facilitator to implement capacity building activities to fill knowledge gaps & address deficiencies.
    • Identify & engage key local influencers such as district heads, religious leaders, women groups, town announcers, traditional dancers, pharmacists & socio cultural groups & support the planning & implementation of such activities such as majigis, mop up activities, use of local town announcers & special events, to create high levels of public awareness, to resolve non compliance & reduce missed children.
    • Monitor the relevance & use of IEC materials & make specific recommendations to our clients SBC & State Lead on their adaptability to local reality.
    • Spend adequate time working with various community groups & monitor all SBC activities so that our clients support to local level interventions & their impact can be documented across all their programs (health / polio, WASH, education, nutrition, child protection).
    • Track the delivery & efficient utilization of campaign social mobilization funds at the LGA level & report on how funds are spent to support various communication activities & facilitate, in coordination with our clients SBC & State Facilitator, the effective use of social mobilization funds (channelled through the government departments) at the state, LGA & ward for polio & non polio SIAs.
    • Monitor & report, every month, factual & complete disbursement honorariums to VCM, PSG & VWS, reporting immediately any misappropriation of funds to the Program Manager (Polio) & State Facilitator.
    • Actively participate in all state level pre campaign trainings as appropriate.
    • Support all SBC activities in respective LGA / wards / settlements to promote child survival & protection.
    • Support different sectors to mark & celebrate global & national days, e.g., global hand washing day, day of the African child, etc.
    • Respond appropriately to health emergencies & disease outbreaks through the risk communication & community engagement committees at the LGA level.

    Expected output:

    • A detailed work plan at the beginning of the contract & monthly work plans thereafter.
    • Sharing & uploading of data to ODK & other data tools at agreed timelines.
    • Monthly report of activities, outcomes, mission reports & support to other reporting as requested.
    • One end of contract report, including detailed handover notes, delivered to SBC & the State Facilitator.

    Expected results:

    • Nigeria community engagement plan implemented at all levels by all stakeholders.
    • Facilitation of implementation of state & LGA social mobilization & High Risk Operational Plans (HROP).
    • VWS, PSGs (where applicable) & VCMs are supervised, mentored & capacity strengthened through solid teamwork & leadership.
    • Vaccination barriers are identified, analyzed & overcome by social mobilization groups & key influencers & the number of missed children & non compliance is reduced.
    • LGA communication packages on health, polio, routine immunization, WASH, education & nutrition & child protection are developed & implemented.
    • Polio & RI & non polio SIAs Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) reports are available at the state, Field Office (FO) & Abuja levels.
    • Contribution to other reports made & shared as requested.

    The primary outcomes will be:

    • Quality implementation of all polio & non polio IPDs / Supplemental Immunization Activities (SIA)'s reduces (to almost zero) missed children (non compliant or absent) & zero dose children.
    • Increased commitment from LGA officials, traditional leaders & religious leaders through frequent LGA Facilitator feedback & engagement on all SBC activities for our clients programs.
    • Social mobilization working groups & committees at LGAs hold regular meetings & use social mobilization data to plan, monitor & implement SBC interventions in polio, RI, health, nutrition, education, WASH & child protection.
    • Improved use of social & Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) data in communication strategy development & planning by the LGA team, including social mobilization working group members through technical inputs.

    Project reporting

    • This role reports to the line manager.

    Key competencies

    • Bachelors degree in social sciences, communication, public health, community nutrition, community development or a related technical field.
    • Fluency in English & knowledge of any local languages(s) spoken at the duty station where the candidate will be selected.
    • At least 3 - 5 years of progressively responsible professional work experience at the state / LGA level in program planning, management, monitoring & evaluation in immunization programs.
    • Experience in social mobilization, advocacy & communication in health related programs, polio eradication campaigns, IEC materials development, training / capacity building & team building.
    • Current knowledge of development issues, strategies as well as programming policies & procedures in international development cooperation.
    • Proven ability to conceptualize, innovate, plan & execute ideas & impart knowledge & tech skills.
    • Demonstrated ability to work in multi cultural environment & establish harmonious & effective working relationships both within & outside the organization.

    Team management

    • This role has no team management responsibility.

    Further information

    • Qualified female candidates are encouraged to apply for this role.

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    State Facilitator

    Overview of Position

    • In 2020, Nigeria was declared WPV free for having gone without any WPV cases for over four years. However, Nigeria is experiencing outbreaks of cVDPV2 due to low Routine Immunization (RI) coverage & population immunity. In 2018, Nigeria experienced a major outbreak leading to about 34 cases. The National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA) in collaboration with partners has ensured the overall planning, implementation & monitoring of the polio eradication program in 19 northern states & a few southern states where the spread was recorded. As of 2018, the number of cases reduced to 18, but about 4.3 million children are still unimmunized (18%, MICS / NICS 2021).
    • RI performance in Nigeria has remained suboptimal for over 10 years, according to the National Demographic Health Surveys (NDHS) of 2003, 2008, 2013 & 2018, communication & social mobilization are critical components in RI & Supplementary Immunization (SI) campaigns for polio vaccination & other vaccines. The Volunteer Community Mobilizers (VCM) network is one of the strongest community structures that support 12 high risk states in northern Nigeria, working closely with stakeholders, caregivers & communities to promote vaccination. These volunteers organize community dialogues & compound meetings, track newborns & children under five years for polio vaccination & refer pregnant women to health facilities for antenatal care. The network is supervised by a network of Facilitators at the LGA & state levels
    • The engagement of state & LGA Facilitators across these states has ensured no wild polio case has been reported for the past 3 years, after the last polio case was reported in August 2016 from Borno state. Enhanced awareness of the community about the polio campaign remained at 94%. Strengthened monitoring of the program & routine monitoring of the program is jointly done by all polio partners. Support rapid survey implementation to generate additional data, national level review, planning & capacity building events for VCM network members & a data quality assurance mechanism in place.
    • The State Facilitator will be located in the state with frequent trips to the LGA, wards & settlements, providing general oversight of the VCM structures in the assigned cluster of LGAs. Coordinate & supervise polio / RI activities at the cluster level. S / he will supervise the day to day polio / RI activities implementation across our client supported implementation sites. S / he will also supervise the daily operations of the LGAF & VCM network, specifically focusing on ensuring quality implementation & data reporting. The State Facilitator will also play a prominent role in reporting on the changing humanitarian situation (Borno / Yobe states) within their LGAs & will enable our clients & its partners to adapt promptly & appropriately to the changing situation. In the context of increasing insecurity with limited travel to implementation sites by our clients staff, State Facilitators’ presence in the field provides a much needed means for program monitoring to ensure the maintenance of the quality of implementation according to national & international protocols as well as independent layer of accountability.

    Role Objectives

    • Work with a cluster of LGA / ward teams to ensure deeper ward analysis, planning & implementation of strategic communications interventions & be responsible for basic monitoring.
    • The specific communication interventions to be implemented in each area will be informed by local knowledge & the unique characteristics of the wards / settlements.
    • Support the development of LGA social mobilization action plans for polio & non polio SIAs targeting high risk wards in the high risk LGAs within the state.
    • Facilitate, in coordination with Field Offices (FO's), the effective use of social mobilization funds channeled through the government departments at the state, LGA & ward levels for SIA.
    • Support training of state / LGA / ward staff & vaccination personnel in social mobilization activities, including interpersonal communications.
    • Advocate with LGA / ward policymakers, religious & traditional leadership for support for implementing polio & non polio campaigns / RI.
    • Participate in planning & implementing media & communication activities & work with media groups & networks for coordinating our client supported programs during SIPDs.
    • Work directly & collaborate with traditional district & ward leaders to increase community participation & OPV acceptance to reduce missed children during campaigns.
    • Design & implement group specific strategies to reach hard to reach, nomadic & minority groups at LGA, district & ward levels.
    • Participate in state / LGA / ward IPD management team activities geared towards successfully implementing SIAs.
    • Supervise data collection at the state, LGA, district & ward levels.
    • Analyse data for specific trends / patterns of non compliance, poor coverage, dropouts, left outs, etc. & undertake coordinated actions to facilitate the process of reaching such communities / households.
    • Coordinate stakeholders such as NGOs, CBOs, religious groups, women’s groups & youth groups for their involvement & participation in polio eradication activities.
    • Work closely with other partners like WHO, ROTARY, Red Cross, NTLC / SPHCDA & other relevant government partners.
    • Ensure strong supervision of LGA Facilitators & other polio communication team members in their cluster of LGAs within the accountability framework.
    • Support all required activities in respective clusters of LGAs to increase coverage for routine immunization.
    • Support any emergency non polio SIAs such as COVID - 19, as required by the organization & any other duties assigned by the supervisor.

    Expected output:

    • Based on the major tasks outlined above, a work plan should be submitted for approval by the supervising Facilitator / SBC Specialist / Health Specialist 2 weeks after joining with clear monthly deliverables for each month of the contract period.
    • A detailed work plan at the beginning & monthly work plans thereafter (1st week of each month).
    • Monthly report of activities, outcomes, mission reports & Notes for the Record (NFR) on meetings, etc. (monthly).
    • Accountability dashboard indicators submitted monthly & strict adherence to the accountability framework in the state.
    • One report after each IPD by using a supplied template on intervention & other social data tools / social mobilization indicators (as per IPD conducted).
    • One end of contract report.

    Expected results:

    • Data driven & evidence based high risk operational plans with strong communication components in place across all LGA's within the assigned cluster of LGA's contributing to a reduction in missed children & quality campaigns (every campaign).
    • Immunization barriers identified, analyzed & overcome by social mobilization groups & key influencers (updated monthly in all LGA's).
    • The number of missed children & non compliance is reduced through intensified social mobilization activities.
    • Full implementation of the accountability framework across all LGAs within the cluster leading to high quality immunization activities (monthly dashboard updated & quarterly review of Facilitators).
    • Polio & RI, M&E reports from LGA are available at state, FO & Abuja levels (weekly & monthly report submitted).
    • Functioning social mobilization committee & polio task forces are in place across all LGAs within the assigned cluster of LGAs.
    • The volunteer expansion is highly operational, delivering results as reported through accurate & timely reporting (weekly reports submitted).

    The primary outcomes will be:

    • Quality implementation of all polio & non polio IPDs / Supplemental Immunization Activities (SIA)'s reduces (to almost zero) missed children (non compliant or absent) & zero dose children.
    • Increased commitment from LGA officials, traditional leaders & religious leaders through frequent LGA Facilitator feedback & engagement on all SBC activities for our clients programs.
    • Social mobilization working groups & committees at LGAs hold regular meetings & use social mobilization data to plan, monitor & implement SBC interventions in polio, RI, health, nutrition, education, WASH & child protection.
    • Improved use of social & Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) data in communication strategy development & planning by the LGA team, including social mobilization working group members through technical inputs.

    Project Reporting

    • This role reports to the line manager.

    Key Competencies

    • Bachelors degree in social sciences, communication, public health, community nutrition, community development or a related technical field.
    • Fluency in English & knowledge of any local languages(s) spoken at the duty station where the candidate will be selected.
    • At least 3 - 5 years of progressively responsible professional work experience at the state / LGA level in program planning, management, monitoring & evaluation in immunization programs.
    • Experience in social mobilization, advocacy & communication in health related programs, polio eradication campaigns, IEC materials development, training / capacity building & team building.
    • Current knowledge of development issues, strategies as well as programming policies & procedures in international development cooperation.
    • Proven ability to conceptualize, innovate, plan & execute ideas & impart knowledge & tech skills.
    • Demonstrated ability to work in multi cultural environment & establish harmonious & effective working relationships both within & outside the organization.

    Team Management

    • This role has no team management responsibility.

    Further Information

    • Qualiied female candidates are encouraged to apply for this role.

    Method of Application

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